Collaborations are important opportunities to grow and develop cool projects. We like to work with organization that are involved in the protection of the sea as well as musicians. Let's take a look...
Verdura Shoes for Surealistas
We love good music and good vibes. That's why when we met the guys of this band we fall in love with them and their music immediately. We started a cool collaboration for the styling of the component, from shoes to super colored shirt printed with "Verdura's Eden". We also produced some merchandising t-shirt customized with the band logo. And we're keep on spreading good vibes together...
Verdura shoes @ Museo Ferragamo

Verdura Shoes with Seasheperd
In 2019 Verdura Shoes was selected to be part of an exhibition at Museo Ferragamo in Florence about Sustainable Fashion with international designer from all over the world. For that occasion Andrea made a special piece called “Love you ocean”.
Verdura Shoes with Seasheperd
We are collaborating with Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS), an international, non-profit, marine wildlife, conservation organization, which was established in 1977, since the beginning. Their mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans, in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.
Sea Shepherd exposes and confronts illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately-balanced ocean ecosystems Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations.
Sea Shepherd used to provide us with quantities of net that we recycle to make Verdura footwear. This help us in our goal of retrieving more discarded net from the sea and beaches. Together, Verdura and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society will help create a much cleaner environment. The story keep on going on...
For more information on Sea Sheperd please visit: